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You have important decisions to make.
You think you are pregnant. This was not in your plans. Fear, confusion and anger are just some of the feelings that you may be experiencing. You wonder what you are going to do. Facing an unplanned pregnancy is hard. Before you decide, you deserve to know the facts. The law gives you the right to be fully informed about this important decision.


During pregnancy, your body goes through many changes. Some common symptoms of early pregnancy include a missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, frequent urination, tiredness, and mood swings.


Most pregnancy tests are very reliable. However, to confirm that you are pregnant, a visit to an appropriate health care provider will be necessary. Your doctor may request and ultrasound exam to confirm the status of your pregnancy. This information is important whether you are considering abortion or continuing with your pregnancy.





Embryo: Human life at its earliest developmental stage.


Fertilization: Joining of a male sperm and the female egg to form a human embryo.


Fetus: A developing unborn baby with an observable human structure.


Full Term Pregnancy: The stage at about 40 weeks after the last menstrual period or 38 weeks after fertilization when the baby is ready for birth.


Last Menstrual Period (LMP): The date when a woman started her last menstrual period before fertilization. This is the point in time where pregnancy and the age of the unborn baby are measured.


Trimester: An interval of three months used to measure three successive stages of pregnancy – first trimester, second trimester, and third trimester.


Uterus: The muscular female organ that contains the developing unborn baby.


You have the legal right to choose the outcome of your pregnancy. Empowerment happens when you find the resources and inner strength necessary to make your best choice. Here are some other options.



Choosing to continue your pregnancy and to parent is very challenging. With the support of caring people, parenting classes, and other resources, many women find the help they need to make this choice.



You may decide to place your child for adoption. This loving decision is often made by women who first thought abortion was their only way out.



Abortion is no small matter. Choosing what to do when you are in the middle of an unplanned pregnancy is very hard. This choice is very serious and could possibly affect you for the rest of your life. Some women deeply regret going through with their abortion.


Abortion is your choice, but you need to know what you are choosing. As with any surgical procedure, finding out how it is done, the risks and the side effects is essential. We offer factual, medically accurate information so you can make an informed choice.


For information about abortion risks and procedures please contact us for an appointment today.

Help is available.


Facing an unplanned pregnancy can seem overwhelming. That is why knowing where to go for help is important. Talk to someone you can trust, your partner, your parents, a pastor, a priest or perhaps a good friend. Also, the caring people at Fifth Ward and   Downtown Pregnancy Help Center are available to help you through this difficult time. 


Call now 713-942-2100 for Downtown or 713-675-2800 for Fifth Ward or send a text to 832-877-6222.

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